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30 Watchers39 Deviations

Would you...

3 min read
Hi everyone, I'm terribly sorry for being gone this much and not post anything either, since University started and I've been super busy, I got uni tomorrow but I can't sleep so I thought of writing a short journal to let you know how I'm doing, I got a holiday the whole next week so you'll see more of me during that time hopefully :Aww: I'm thinking of drawing a pic of Yami from Yugioh for a friend's birthday but I'm a lazy-butt so it's gonna take me a while, please bear with me, thank you :blowkiss:

anyway, got this from :iconxeleena:

[_] Lock me in your room and take advantage of me?
[_] lick my cheek?
[_] miss me if we went out then broke up?
[_] dance with me?
[_] let me make you breakfast?
[_] tap me on the a**?
[_] help me with homework?
[_] tickle me to death?
[_] let me tickle you?
[_] stick up for me if i was being put down?
[_] caress my body?
[_] play strip poker with me?
[_] say yes if i asked you out?
[_] let me wear your pants?
[_] get wasted with me?
[_] instant message me?
[_] greet me in public?
[_] hang out with me?
[_] bring me around your friends?

[_] think im cute?
[_] think im hot?
[_] want to kiss me?
[_] want to cuddle with me?
[_] want to hook up with me?

[_] acquaintances?
[_] friends?
[_] in a relationship?
[_] gonna have kids?

AM I...
[_] smart?
[_] cute?
[_] funny?
[_] cool?
[_] lovable?
[_] adorable?
[_] compassionate?
[_] annoying?
[_] great to be with?
[_] attractive?
[_] mean?
[_] odd?

[_] thought about me?
[_] thought there might be an "us"?
[_] thought about hookin' up with me?
[_] found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
[_] wished i were there?
[_] grabbed me?
[_] had a crush on me?
[_] idolized me?
[_] wanted my number?
[_] had a dream about me?
[_] been distracted by me?

[_] happy you know me?
[_] mad at me?
[_] thinkin' bout me?
[_] going to repost this in your journal so that i will return the favor
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Help Arakan

2 min read
أراكان‬‏ دولة مسلمة منذ القرن السابع الميلادى ، لكن إحتلتها دولة بورما سنة 1748م .. بورما حالياً دولة ذات أغلبية بوذية، و قد تم إحتلال ‎‫أراكان‬‏ و سكانها المسلمين بيتعرضوا لأشد أنواع التعذيب و التنكيل من قبل سكان بورما البوذيين، سنة 1942 حصلت مذبحة كبرى ضد مسلمي أراكان‬‏ استشهد فيها اكثر من مائة ألف مسلم .حتى بعد الإنتخابات ، لم تعترف السلطة فى بورما - التى يحكمها الجيش - بعرقية سكان ‎أراكان‬‏ رغم المطالبات الدولية المستمرة.

فى بداية شهر يونيو 2012 ، أعلنت الحكومة البورمية أنها ستمنح بطاقة المواطنة للعرقية الروهنجية المسلمة فى ‎‫أراكان. غضب البوذيون كثيرا بسبب هذا الإعلان لأنهم يدركون أنه سيؤثر فى حجم إنتشار الإسلام فى المنطقة ، فخططوا لإحداث الفوضى .

هاجم البوذيون حافلة تقل عشرة علماء مسلمين كانوا عائدين من أداء العمرة ، شارك فى المذبحة أكثر من 450 بوذى تم ربط العلماء العشر من أيديهم و أرجلهم و إنهال عليهم الـ 450 بوذى ضربا بالعصى حتى استشهدوا .

لكى يجد البوذيون تبريرا ، قالوا إنهم فعلوا ذلك إنتقاما لشرفهم بعد أن قام شاب مسلم بإغتصاب فتاة بوذية و قتلها .كان موقف الحكومة مخزيا للغاية،فقد قررت القبض على 4 مسلمين بحجة الإشتباه فى تورطهم فى قضيةالفتاة و تركت الـ 450 قاتل بدون عقاب.

يوم الجمعة 3 يونيو 2012 أحاط الجيش بالمساجد تحسبا لخروج مظاهرات بعد الصلاة و منعوا المسلمين من الخروج دفعة واحدة .أثناء خروج المسلمين من الصلاة ألقى البوذيون الحجارة عليهم و إندلعت إشتباكات قوية ، ففرض الجيش حظر التجول .

شدد الجيش حظر التجول على المسلمين فيما ترك البوذيون يعيثون فى الأرض فسادا .
يتجول البوذيون فى الأحياء المسلمة بالسيوف و العصى و السكاكين و يحرقون المنازل و يقتلون من فيها أمام أعين قوات الأمن

بدأ العديد من مسلمى ‎‫أراكان‬‏ فى الهروب ليلا عبر الخليج البنغالى إلى الدول المجاورة ، و يموت الكثير منهم فى عرض البحر وسط التعتيم الإعلامى الشديد ، هناك أكثر من
مليون مسلم فى ‎‫أركان‬‏ يتعرضون لعملية إبادة ممنهجة و تُغتصب نساؤهم و يُقتل أطفالهم.
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Tagged by both :iconlazygenius94: and :iconpacificoakuma: with the SAME tag :cries: they're trying to kill me!! :tombstone::dead: but I thought I should update my journal so here it is...

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 Facts about themselves in
their journal.
3. Then Answer the questions the tagger set for you in
their post, and create eleven new questions for the
people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged
if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really,
truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

ok, 11 facts about me:

1. I'm an anime, movies, and comedy shows freak :happybounce:
2. My birthday is in the 24th of May.
3.  I'm an amateur artist, and I'm slowly losing my inspiration and motivation to draw. So I may not update as much in my gallery (as if I did update usually :no:)
4. I love mangoes, Mushroom soup and Salmons (not all together of course!!! ^^;)
5. I'm a hobbyist writer, I have written so far a Yugioh fanfic and currently working on an IchiRuki fanfic, and it's gonna be loooong :D
6. I wish one day to write my own book, and I have an idea that I'm working on :thumbsup::#1:
7. Just found out that my cousin has an account here in dA, :iconbellarose123: she's very nice and a big fan of HTTYD (How To Train Your Dragon)
8. I like green tea, and I drink a big cup everyday :D
9. I'm thinking of buying a Megalodon Shark tooth from the net, I've always been a fan of this creature :love: any advice/opinion?
10. I like listening to Jpop, Kpop, Dance, electronica, latin pop, normal pop ;p and sometimes some rock :dance:
11. I'm a recent Vocaloid fan, and in case you don't know it, it's a software that sing the songs people write/create, something like that, there are different versions and different voices, my top fav is Kaito, and here's a sample of their work…

And now to the Qs, :iconlazygenius94:'s Qs:
1. What's your favourite Anime of all times?
2. Do you play videogames? If you do then name a game you can't stop playing!
Of course u.u I love RPG games like Okamiden/digimon/pokemon/naruto/dragon quest :typerhappy:
3. How addicted are you to Anime? (how much do you watch regularly?)
How can I say this, In each hour of the day, there HAS to be anime-related activity, or else I'll die....
4. If you got to make a wish come true, what would that one wish be?
Meet my best online friend :cuddle:
5. L just appeared right in front of you! What would your reaction be?
Go to sleep for crying out loud! >-<
6. You can be any Anime character you want, who will you be? (note: no OC's plz )
7. If you had a portal door that will take you anywhere, what is the first place you'll go to?
Soul Society :plotting:
8. You just woke up, opened your room's door, and found all your beloved Anime characters outside your door shouting in union: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!", how will your face look like? (note: use this [] to search for the face you'd make)
:icon009plz: then :icon0inuloveplz: .. :icon0inulolplz: .. :icon0inuspazplz: .. :icon2penglandwantsplz: then :faint: and go to heaven :floating:
9. Imaging that you're the happiest person in the world, what happened before for you to be so happy?
Getting new DVDs of BLEACH (I got season 4 packs yesterday :excited:)
10. If you could eat all you want from a certain food and not gain a single pound for doing so, what will that food be?
Baskin Robins's Icecream with brownies, Salmon, Chocolate :squee:
11. and finally, what's your favourite horror movie of all times??
I'd say ''Silent Hill" Cause the little ghost girl really broke my heart and the bad guys got what they deserve :disbelief:

AND NOW :iconpacificoakuma:'s Qs:

1) What was the first Anime you watched?
Dai no Daiboken داي الشجاع اذا تتذكرونه
2) What's your favorite anime character?
there are many, like Rukia, Yuroichi, Toushiro, Inuyasha and Kagome, most likely the whole gang, the Elric brothers, Train Heartnet
3) What first thing you gonna do in Anime world?
Invite all my fav characters into a party!!!
4) Is there an anime character you hated?
not really, they all have this charisma that attracts you to them :nod:
5) Do you think anime for kids and teenagers only? and why?
Noooooooo, there are stuff even adults can't handle, some shows don't mind drawing rape scenes, it's totally inappropriate to weak hearted people
6) What's you favorite? (Naruto, One piece, Bleach) only these 3
7) If you are able to meet an anime character... who m you are going to choose^^?
8) Witch side you are with? ( L or Light yagami) "from death note"
Light Cause there are people who deserve to be executed for the horrible crimes they made
9) Is there an anime that you would like a 2nd season for it?
10) Who is the funniest anime character in your opinion?
I'd say Tamaki-senpai from Ouran high school host club :giggle:
11) What was the last anime you watched?
Kuroko no basket

Phew, Finally Done....... now to the questions

1. Which anime character is the love of your life?
2. What do you keep in your room? (for example: small fridge, pets)
3. Do you follow a diet? if so, is it working well with you?
4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
5. What's the one dream you'd love to accomplish?
6. What's the first place you'd go to once you get your license?
7. Blackberry, Iphone, Android or Ipod Touch? why?
8. If you knew this is the last day on earth, what would you do in your last hours?
9. Do you play on an instrument? if so, which one?
10. what does your phone cover look like?
11. What do you think of Lady Gaga? XD

Now, I'll go die somewhere and leave you with this ridiculously long journal, and do the tag if you feel like it, I got no energy left for tagging....g-good..bye....

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Tagged by :iconitachi1deidara:

1) fav anime? Bleach
2) fav food? Grilled Salmon
3) fav weapon? Katana
4) fav  game? Okamiden
5) fav charecter? Rukia Kuchiki
6) fav coupling? IchiRuki
7)which is best yuri/yaoi/straight/loner? Straight
8) fav song? Twinkle - snsd
9) fav friut/veg? MANGOES!!
10) fav quote? Life is short so live it with a smile on your face :aww:


I'm writing an IchiRuki Fanfic, but I'm stuck, does anyone know a MALE character that everyone hates to bits?? I'm planning on making it an abusive relative of Rukia, that's all that I can say! Please help!!!
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Hi Guys, sorry for the long absence ^^; was busy with school and finals, oooh and guess what?? I finally graduated from highschool and on my way to college :typerhappy: I'm a step closer to writing my own book since I'm planning on studying English literature :D

Anyway, I got tagged by :iconitachi1deidara: she's a cool gal, you should get to know her :aww:

1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create ten new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6. No tag backs
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legimately have to tag 10 people

5 things about me:
1. I'm a cat and dog person, I can't choose between the two.
2. I'm into Anime and Manga, and also Korean culture :la: especially Kpop! :stereo:
3. I love food, but I'm trying to find a way to control my appetite ^^;
4. I love cheese!! especially with Nachos :drool: (who doesn't love cheese? :#1:)
5. I have a classic taste in clothes and accessories :nod:

1 hobbies??? Writing, reading and drawing
2 fav drink? Ice Tea
3 fav anime? Bleach
4 fav  male character? Yugi from Yugioh (my childhood friend :hug:)
5 fav female character? Rukia from Bleach!!!!!!! Yuroichi ain't that bad at all, she's awesome and hilarious :lmao:
6 fav color? Purple
7 fav couple? Ichigo x Rukia
8  do u like learning? only if it's new languages that I'm supposed to learn
9 red or black? Bloody Red :plotting:
10 milk or white chocolate? Milk!!!!! It's tastier :drool:

Now my Qs:
1. Which is better to you, blackberry or laptop?
2. What's your fav day of the week?
3. Any old anime would you like to watch again?
4. Who's you first love from anime/manga characters?
5. Do you know Bleach? if so, what do you think of Orihime?
6. Favorite food?
7. If you could be a character in any anime, which would you choose?
8. Do you have any talents, or something you're really good at?
9. What's your fav non-anime movie?
10. What do you hate most in the world?

I'm only gonna tag some of my friends, not necessarily 10 people

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Would you... by AlphaJade, journal

Help Arakan by AlphaJade, journal

Tagged TWICE @.@ by AlphaJade, journal

Tag/ I need help from you, Bleach fans by AlphaJade, journal

Tag, long time no see by AlphaJade, journal